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9.2.14 Zucchini, Herb, and Cheese Tartines

9.2.14 Zucchini, Herb, and Cheese Tartines

If you have a vegetable garden, or subscribe to a local CSA, chances are you are probably completely inundated with zucchini right about now. If you’re like me, and have both a garden AND a CSA to contend with, well, let’s just say, you are most likely a bit overwhelmed in the summer squash department. I feel your pain.


For years, this was a problem for me. I mean, how many ways can one cook summer squash? Admittedly, many. But enough to exhaust my excessive squash supply? It seemed unlikely. In the past, a lot of my ample CSA squash bounty was relegated to zucchini bread. Lots and lots of zucchini bread. Which is delicious, but eventually, after copious zucchini bread consumption, I reached the point where I couldn’t look at another piece of zucchini bread, much less eat it. I knew I had to get more creative with my squash cookery.


All in all, I think I’ve done pretty well. I’ve baked my zucchinis into tasty gratins, fried them up into a satisfying summer hash, even simmered them in a fragrant coconut curry. But in the end, I always reach the point of summer squash saturation. Right about now. And while I’d love to just give up on zucchini all together, the few lonely squashes in my fridge would beg otherwise. And so, I bring you one more zucchini recipe. But trust me, it’s a good one. Julienned, marinated in fresh lemon, oil, and grassy summer herbs, then mounded atop tangy sheeps milk cheese and crisp, garlicky sourdough, this is zucchini in a whole new light. Refreshing and tasty (not to mention beyond simple to make), this is the perfect way to use up your latest abundance of zukes. You might even wish you had a couple more.


Zucchini, Herb, and Cheese Tartines

makes 4 tartines (about 2 servings)

These also make a great summer appetizer atop smaller baguette-sized toasts.

  • 2 small zucchini (green, yellow, or a mix), cut into matchsticks
  • 2 Tbsp fresh basil, roughly chopped
  • 2 Tbsp fresh parsley, roughly chopped
  • 1 Tbsp fresh mint, roughly chopped
  • 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil (plus more for toasting bread)
  • ¼ tsp red chile flakes
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 slices sourdough bread
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 oz soft sheep or goat milk cheese (I’m a fan of the Driftless sheep cheese from Hidden Springs Creamery for this)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. In a large bowl, combine the zucchini, basil, parsley, mint, lemon juice, olive oil, chile flake, salt, and pepper. Let sit while you prepare the toast.

3. Place bread slices on a baking sheet. Cut garlic clove in half, and rub the cut sides over the top of the bread slices. Discard garlic clove. Brush the top of each slice of bread with a bit of olive oil. Bake bread until crispy and golden brown, about 8-10 minutes.

4. Spread each slice of toasted bread with ½ ounce of the cheese.

5. Give the zucchini mixture a good stir (some liquid will have separated out), season to taste with additional salt and pepper if desired. Divide zucchini mixture evenly between the 4 toasts. Serve immediately.

9.5.14 Black Bean, Chard, and Goat Cheese Tacos

9.5.14 Black Bean, Chard, and Goat Cheese Tacos

8.29.14 Buckwheat Crepes with Fontina, Prosciutto and Arugula Peach Salad

8.29.14 Buckwheat Crepes with Fontina, Prosciutto and Arugula Peach Salad