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7.19.13 Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies

7.19.13 Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies

 Chocolate chip cookies are one of those things I can’t ever remember not being able to make. They are one of the first things I ever cooked, and are still one of my favorite things to make. They’re simple, come together quickly, and honestly, what’s more delicious than warm cookies right out of the oven? I’ll tell you, not many things. After all these years of making them, I’m not entirely sure where my original recipe even came from. It’s so ingrained in my memory that I can whip up a batch without even having to think about it. There have been many times when a dessert/chocolate craving strikes, and I’ll triumphantly remember, ‘oh wait, chocolate chip cookies...’ and in practically no time, I’m enjoying some freshly baked cookies. I don’t want to admit to you how often this happens.


So, after making dozens upon dozens of these delicious cookies, with little variation (occasionally I’ll add some rolled oats for extra texture, which I definitely recommend) I decided to change it up a little. Just a little, mind you; the original recipe (wherever it came from) is pretty close to perfection. I happened to have some hazelnuts on hand leftover from a cake recipe I was working on, as well as dark chocolate chips, which, let’s be honest, I always have on hand in case a major chocolate craving strikes. Add these into the standard cookie dough, along with some Frangelico for added hazelnut flavor, and the result is pretty fantastic! In fact, they were so tasty, I had to bring most of them into the office to share as I was in serious danger of eating the whole batch myself. So what are you waiting for, go make some already!


Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies

Makes 2 dozen

Note: If you don’t have Frangelico on hand, not to worry! Just use an equivalent amount of vanilla extract instead.

  • ⅔ c hazelnuts
  • 1 c plus 2 T flour
  • 1 t baking soda
  • ½ t salt
  • ½ c butter (1 stick), room temperature
  • ¼ c sugar
  • ½ c brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 t Frangelico
  • 1 c dark chocolate chips

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Spread hazelnuts on a sheet pan, and place in oven. Roast for 15 minutes, then remove from oven and cool. Once cooled, give the hazelnuts a rough chop.

3. Bump oven temperature up to 375 degrees.

4. Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in a small bowl.

5. In a larger bowl, mix the butter and both sugars together until smooth. Mix in the egg and Frangelico and stir until combined.

6. Stir in the flour mixture, followed by the chocolate chips and chopped hazelnuts.

7. Form cookie dough into about 1” balls and place onto greased cookie sheets. You should end up with about 2 dozen cookies.

8. Bake at 375 for 9-10 minutes, or until cookies are golden brown. Cool in pans for about 10 min, then remove them and enjoy!


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